There are times in life where you feel as though you are being forced to surrender. The Universe, your Elevated Self, Elevated Guides, and Elevated Ancestors will never force you to do anything. However, what can happen, is that circumstances will arise in your life that bring you to your knees therefore leaving you with no other option but to surrender. It is during this transformational fire that you reconnect with your Soul and your intuition to receive new visions and perspectives leading to magic unfolding in your life. Since you are here, you may be experiencing a challenging moment right now. Even if you aren't, you know that there is a new level of existence waiting for you. 



I lived the first twenty-four years of my life in two religious’ cults. Not only did I have to disintegrate chords from religious dogma, but I had to also disintegrate chords from societal programming as well. When it came to my spiritual science and getting into my magic bag, I had to put fear in the back seat to return to the truth of me that is Supernatural on all sides. I had to filter through what I was programmed to believe was evil and demonic when it came to spirituality versus religion and focus on what my soul was calling me to embrace.

I held wisdom from my religious experience as that what my backbone whether I wanted to accept that or not. It would seem like an oxymoron to say that a religious cult was a helpful steppingstone to where I’m at today. But it was. My spiritual gifts were being sharpened through those experiences, giving me messages and knowledge that I could have never obtained from any book.

My spiritual reconnection has reminded me of how powerful I am. During this reconnection I documented what I was being shown in visions and given with messages, dreams, and synchronicities. Now I have the confidence to embrace my spiritual bag and all that it encompasses which is beyond the confines of religion.


 As a child, I intuitively knew that I held an inherent power to create a life of complete fulfillment and that suffering was not required.
 But my vision for my life became clouded by programming and I lived from an identity that manifested a life of suffering, self-doubt, and lack. My rock bottom placed me into a rebirth; a reconnection with my Elevated Spirit to activate the genius and magic I knew I possessed as a child.  
I had to be willing to appear weird, strange, and unrealistic to others while integrating my new found spiritual connection into the 3D. You are here because you are beyond ready to do the same! 

If you had told me even 6 months ago, that I would be charged with opening a mystery school for fellow spiritual warriors like me, I would have laughed and rolled my eyes. Yet what has taken place in my life within the last 6 months has been most transformative.

I bring you wisdom from my experiences.



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